Very productive physical kick off meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria

On 21st May 2023, the physical kick off meeting was organised in Sofia, Bulgaria with the participation by representatives of all partners. The meeting was opened by the Principal of the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” in Sofia – Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva. She explained the agenda the the main topics, which will be discussed during the meeting. The physical meeting was organised after series of online meetings, where the partners already discussed and elaborated the relevant project activities.

The meeting continued with the presentation of the statistics on Burnout syndrome in partners’ countries as well as the analysis of the existing courses and prevention programmes by each partner.

The meeting continued with the presentation of the scope and initial content of the R1. Handbook with guidelines, which will include activities and preventive measures to prevent Burnout syndrome of teachers as post-COVID measure and the R2. Self-assessment digital tool about the level of Burnout syndrome presented by prof. Snezhana Ilieva, PhD, Dsc and Andrean Lazarov from Bulgarian Inclusion Support team.

The second part of the meeting was conducted at the premises of the 94 SU “Dimiter Strashimirov” where the discussion and feedback gathering from teachers was continued.

The partners were able to visit different classrooms and to speak with Roma children and their educators.